Mea culpa.

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Today’s Word of the Day is atone which means, “to make amends.” Having gone to Catholic school for as long as I did, and having attended mass as often as I did, confession was not something I did because I had a particular need for it, but rather because it was expected of me. You go in the little booth, you say “Bless me Father, for I have sinned, it has been _____ days since my last confession…”, then you spill your guts and accept whatever penance you have to do to atone for what it was you did. Sometimes it would be a number of Hail Marys or a number of Our Fathers (Protestants call it the Lord’s Prayer) or sometimes a number of both. I’m not religious anymore, but I can still recite both at the drop of a hat and remember how to do a rosary (each little bead is a Hail Mary, each large bead is an Our Father), so there’s that. In the main though, I believe atoning for one’s transgressions is a good thing to do. You should feel bad that you’ve hurt someone, and you should want to do something to try and make it up to them in some way. I just don’t think you need a man in a stiff collar on the other side of a latticed screen to tell you that. It should just be something you know and don’t need prompting for.

Tell me what you think!