Different strokes for different folks.

I think beauty is subjective, just like a lot of things.  I happen to find sunrises beautiful, but someone else may not.  Am I right or are they?  We’re both right, in that things that moves you differ from person to person.  That can include art, music, movies, TV shows, personal experiences, books….you name it.  I think if there was just one, singular standard of beauty that we all had to adhere to, we wouldn’t have the variances in life that we do.  Everything would have look, sound, or feel a certain way in order to be considered “beautiful,” and anything else wouldn’t count.  Look at human beings — a beautiful woman to one man might be totally unattractive to another, and vice versa.  Same goes for men.  I happen to think David Tennant is by far, the most beautiful man to walk the face of the Earth.  He’s tall, lithe, has gorgeous brown eyes, dimples, freckles, he wears glasses….he basically trips all my triggers.  Some other woman (or guy, for those that swing that way) might think I’m absolutely insane.  Would it be right for me to be “wrong” because that other person disagrees with me?

I like being able to find beauty my own way, in the things I love best.


  1. loupmojo · September 16, 2014

    i’ve said this a couple of times whilst reading the responses to today’s prompt, but I’ll go for it again because you touch on it. Beauty is absolutely down to the individual. No one person sees beauty in exactly the same way as another, Even if we all adore David Tennant (and how can one not *wink*) we’re not all going to see his beauty in exactly the same way. Nice post.


    • Beth · September 17, 2014

      Ah, someone else who appreciates the beauty that is Mr. Tennant. You have good taste, ma’am.

      Liked by 1 person

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